Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I chose this picture and chose to edit it in this manner to represent Florida. Florida is full of palm trees. In addition, Florida has a lot of blue coloring, such as the ocean. Florida is home to some of the prettiest beaches in the world.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Alternative Assignment

     According to numerous sources, the statement "Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period" has been stirring the pot for many years. This statement is completely incorrect in my opinion for many reasons. In order for teachers working at public high school's to "train" their students for the workforce, money for technology should be provided. In todays world, technology is extremely essential. In fact, many students are taught through technology. Students are being taught all around the world through online courses, and technological sources and are entering the workforce prepared.
    In addition, take in consideration that about 1/4 or more of the students at most high schools are graduating high school and dreaming to pursue a job in the categories of art, music, or theater. Your tax dollars are paying for the future of our society. By providing schools money to be able to pay for technology and other products that can be used in the field of art, music or theater, you are mapping out these students futures on the road to success. Most of the art displayed by numerous museums, movies etc. are created by computers, cameras and even instruments. Imagine a world without trained people to make movies, youtube videos, or better yet, a world with movies with no back round music to set the ambience. If the proper resources, such as, computers, tablets and more. are not being provided to young adults, how will they succeed when they enter the workforce or the "real world?"

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Five senses


I took a twist on this assignment and found five different olympic symbols and edited them to have the same theme. I applied one sensory term to each symbol and explained how they correlate.
Smell the nature aroma that the horse puts off below as it trots to the finish line
Taste the water as it seeps into your mouth as you power through the glistening water.

Feel the warm body of your opponent pushing against you.
Lay your eyes on the volleyball and don't even think about blinking
Hear the puck slam against the hockey stick.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Yes, Mr. Klein this is moving.
Sincerely, Morgan, Emma, and the rest of 5th period's Digital Art 1 class.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The old cover for this novel is extremely outdated and uses older colors. It possesses a very rustic feel, and almost looks as if its dirty. The cover i designed ties in the city ( where the woman live), and shows the woman walking together.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

    Quality of work:
Looking back at last semester, i believe my quality of work needs to improve. I feel as if i was always trying to get the hang of photoshop and put my ideas to life when i did not have enough skill to always do so. When i heard i had to stay in this class, i was definitely quite scared and out of my comfort zone, as i am more familiar with eDesign. But, i will continue to work at it. I always submitted my projects on time, and when absent got it done the day i returned to school, and i will continue to do just that. In addition, i feel as if i always stuck to the assignment and did not get off topic when creating my work. Overall, there is always room for improvement and i look forward to exceeding my own expectations this semester!

I definitely did put effort into every assignment i had and even on numerous occasions, i brought my projects home on a flash drive to continue working on them if i ran out of time in class. I need to continue practicing photoshop and increasing my skill at the program though in order to take my creative ideas and put them to life. I have always been the type of student to go the extra mile but i feel as though i have not done so in this class as i do not feel good enough about Photoshop yet. So that is definitely another thing i will keep in mind this semester.

I am always in class on time and take this course just as seriously as i do my other AP and Honors classes. Although i am absent quite a bit due to my health, making up my work in this class has never been an issue for me and i stay pretty much on track with everyone else. When projects are assigned, i definitely work from bell to bell ( or when i leave five minutes early.)

In general, i need to improve my overall skills in photoshop. I also need to continue to put in effort and as you say, try a little bit harder and be a little bit better every day. Which, i have been telling myself every morning now. Plus, i need to stay confident in how much i have learned in photoshop and not doubt myself to try more challenging things.